SimActive Releases Correlator3D Version 10.3 Optimized for Large Projects

SimActive Inc. announces the release of Correlator3D™ Version 10.3. This latest version introduces many optimizations of the underlying product architecture to further enhance the processing of large projects and user experience.
Bigger projects comprised of tens of thousands of images most certainly take a longer time to process, with some processing steps taking much longer than others. Users still need to be constantly informed of their progress. Version 10.3 brings additional feedback throughout the processing workflow as well as more fluid interaction with data.
“Having a fluidity when dealing with huge datasets not only improves user experience, but also allows for the processing of even more extensive projects.”
“Optimizations made in Version 10.3 greatly enhance user experience when working with very large projects,” said Louis Simard, CTO at SimActive. “Having a fluidity when dealing with huge datasets not only improves user experience, but also allows for the processing of even more extensive projects.”