The Department of Agriculture Acquires SimActive Software for Watershed Analysis

The Department of Agriculture Acquires SimActive Software for Watershed Analysis

SimActive Inc., is pleased to announce the acquisition of its Correlator3D™ product by the Department of Agriculture. SimActive’s software will be primarily used for watershed analysis from imagery.

“Correlator3D™ is providing the Department of Agriculture an inexpensive solution for generating terrain profiles” said Dr Philippe Simard, President and Co-Founder of SimActive. “Our customer will take advantage of its existing database of aerial images, providing a much larger return on investment. The ability to quickly and easily generate digital surface models (DSM) will allow the Department of Agriculture to significantly reduce costs of watershed analysis compared to traditional survey methods or LiDAR data.”

Correlator3D™ is providing the Department of Agriculture an inexpensive solution for generating terrain profiles.

Designed for speed and ease of use, Correlator3D™ consists of fully automated software tools for the production of digital surface models (DSM) and digital terrain models (DTM), the creation of orthophotos and mosaics, and the detection of 3D changes. Correlator3D™ is significantly simpler and faster than currently available tools. Highly trained personnel are no longer mandatory.

About the Department of Agriculture
The mandate of the Quebec Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ) is to foster a commercially viable, self-sufficient and sustainable agriculture sector. MAPAQ intervenes in the production, transformation, commercialization and consumption of agricultural products. For more information, visit